Reel A
Central reel showcasing various music videos, film & animation works. Each of three tracks heard throughout are Mythos originals, and leading soundtrack role models for each given medium of art.
Reel B
Composition reel showcasing a genre-versatile range of Adrian's original music projects from 2019 - 2021, film & animation works. Accompanied with borrowed popular footage and/or original visuals to fit the themes.
Reel C
Music reel showcasing the haunting signature sounds of Adrian's main instrument- the cello. With 13 years of experience playing the most coveted solo instrument in the modern cinematic industry, Adrian has and continues to provide the sound for both Mythos clientele soundtracks, and his own original works.
Reel D
Additional music reel showcasing Adrian's raw cello performance beyond the studio field. Aside recording remote or onsite cello for Mythos soundtracks, Adrian is available for live music occasions.